ZEX Nitrous System Dual Stage EFI
Dual Stage EFI Universal Wet Nitrous System
The ZEXT Dual Stage EFI Nitrous System is more effective than a typical single stage system because it gradually adds the nitrous power in two separately controlled stages, instead of as one big "hit", to give you a faster quarter mile ET. The first nitrous stage is activated automatically when you go to wide open throttle via the TPS-mounted switch. The second stage activates when you press an additional activation push-button. It also includes jets for adding an extra 50-300 horsepower and is a complete kit, right down to the wire ties.
Complete wet nitrous system; Includes everything for a safe, proper install
Adjustable from 100-250 HP w/ supplied tuning jets; Perfect for mild to wild performance
Multiple fuel tap fittings included to assure easy fitment to many applications
Detailed instructions provide for an easy, single afternoon installation
Two separate power stages for maximum traction control
Active Fuel ControlT
Active Fuel ControlT is a revolutionary nitrous tuning and safety feature. In your engine, a vacuum is created as nitrous gas is sprayed across the open end of the nozzle's fuel transfer tube. As bottle pressure rises or lowers due to bottle temperature changes, the speed of the nitrous discharge varies to the same degree. This causes the level of vacuum draw in the fuel transfer tube to vary as well. This variable vacuum draw causes the ZEXT nozzle to actually "pull" more or less enrichment fuel into the engine. This means your engine never runs dangerously lean or overly rich. The nitrous tune-up stays dead-on for maximum engine safety and power at all times.
TPS Sensor Activation
Our throttle position sensor switch is truly innovative. For years, nitrous systems have been activated by use of crude push buttons and throttle arm activated micro switches. These devices were very difficult to install and were constantly failing because of the extreme temperatures found in vehicle engine bays. ZEXT integrated advanced microprocessor control circuits into our nitrous systems so that they "learn" the voltage curve of an engines throttle position sensor. This enables our nitrous systems to activate at wide-open throttle, precisely and reliably, every time.
Fuel ShearT Technology
ZEXT Fuel ShearT Technology injects enrichment fuel using a fuel transfer tube. This tube allows the ZEXT nozzle to directly inject fuel into the highest velocity area of the nitrous plume. This high-speed nitrous shears the fuel away from the tube, atomizing it to levels other nozzle designs never achieve. This high level of atomization ensures perfect fuel distribution from cylinder to cylinder, ensuring one cylinder is never dangerously rich or lean, like competitor's nozzles. This finely atomized mixture delivered by the ZEXT nozzle also burns more powerfully and maximizes the horsepower you get from your nitrous system.