Nifty Yaesu VX-8DR Mini-Manual and Card Combo

Sale price$29.75 USD
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Mini-Manual and Trifolded Wallet Card Combination for the VX-8DR. The combo includes a full featured 24 page spiral-bound Mini-manual, plus a Tri-folded Reference Card for your wallet.

Mini-manual size, 4.5x8 inches. Twenty-four high-quality laminated pages, loaded with detailed instructions. Ideal short-form manual for setting-up and operating the VX-8DR transceiver, plus full coverage for its Bluetooth, GPS options, and expanded APRS operations.

The Quick Reference Card is a laminated three-page foldout pocket guide. Credit card size for easy carrying in a wallet or purse.


• Provides clear descriptions for all controls, setup menus and modes of operation.

• Simple step-by-step instructions, augmented with useful hints and explanations.

• Indexed and organized for quick access to what you need by mode of operation.

• Color-coded, clear and easy to understand instructions that clarify operation.

• Smaller, faster and easier to use than the factory instruction manual.

• Laminated for durability and water resistance, great for GoKits.

• Compact: 4.5 x 8 inches, fits in a map pocket, small enough to be kept with the radio.

• Program your ham radio wherever you are at. An essential operating accessory


Size: 4.5x8 Inches

Pages: Twenty-four, High-Quality Laminated