Nifty Alinco DJ-500 T/E Tri-Folded Reference Card

Tri-Folded Reference Card. Laminated 6-panel foldout pocket guide, the size of a credit card for easy carrying in a wallet or purse. High quality printing on both sides.
This Wallet Card is an ideal ready reference and memory jogger for programming this transceiver.
• Condensed setup and operating instructions that simplify radio setup and programming.
• Simple step-by-step instructions, augmented with hints and explanations.
• Color-coded, clear and easy to understand instructions, with printing on both sides.
• Tri-folded pocket guide easily fits in a wallet or radio pouch.
• Smaller, faster and easier to use than the factory instruction manual.
• Laminated for durability and water resistance, great for your wallet or GoKit.
• Program your ham radio wherever you are at. An essential operating accessory.
Size: 2.3x3.5 Inches, Folded
Pages: Tri-Folded Reference Card