Powertrax No-Slip Toyota 8", 30 SPL Open

No-Slip Traction System
Application notes:
- For Toyota 9.5"
- Rear
- 30 Spline
- For Open Differential
For vehicles that are driven daily, the Powertrax® No-Slip Traction System is the latest design in quiet traction-adding differential technology. It combines the automatic street-friendly smooth operation of a limited-slip differential with the traction performance of a locking differential.
A patented, precise synchronization mechanism eliminates the ratcheting sounds typical of other automatic locking differentials. Special gear and spring designs reduce the backlash and, therefore, driveline windup. Only 9310 ultra-strength material is used, which is stronger than titanium.
Installation is simple because no ring and pinion set-up is required. In addition, no special tools or oils are needed. Step by step instructions are provided with every kit.
Carrier Type: OpenDifferential Case Design Type: Toyota 9.5
Spline Count: 30
Taxonomy: Differential LD, Differential Lockers & Spools, Toyota 9.5
Title: No-Slip