Manley Performance RET-TI SUPER 7 1.560

The Manley ICD retainer represents the pinnacle of titanium retainer
- Engineered to provide the optimum balance of
fatigue strength, weight and stress distribution. - Holes precisely located through the retainers' cross
section introduce oil to the valve spring at the
critical inner to outer spring interface, greatly
extending valve spring life. - Heat treated titanium material for maximum strength
- Impingement results in a 20% improvement in resistance to
abrasion, a 30% improvement in fatigue strength, and
an overall improvement in surface finish - Available with or without our exclusive impingement surface enhancement process
- Double Spring Type
- Spring O.D : 1.560"
- Keeper Degree : Super 7
- Dimensions :( A)1.500", (B)1.120", (C).805"

Manley Performance RET-TI SUPER 7 1.560
Sale price$596.25 USD