K&N Engineering K&N Custom Racing Assembly Oval Red 8.875in O/S L x 5.25in O/S W x 1.75in H 56-1070

KN Covered Air Assembly
Air Cleaner Assembly
K&N Custom Air Filters for Weber Carburetors - K&N Custom Air Filter kits are designed to allow the maximum performance from your carburetors, yet keep the dirt on the outside where it belongs. Show quality to fit racing vehicles with VW, Pinto or any other engine equipped with these performance carburetors. All assemblies come with a famous K&N High-Flow Washable Air Filter. All assemblies are convenient to clean and service.
K&N Custom Air Filter kits are designed to get added performance from your carburetor, yet keep the dirt on the outside where it belongs. Fits racing vehicles with VW, Pinto and other engines equipped with Weber performance carburetors.