HKS EVC Easy Writer Software

HKS 45999-AK017 EVC Easy Writer Software
The latest HKS EVC VI Boost Controller (45003-AK005) has new advanced features such as boost pressure correction mapping so boost levels can be fine tuned for various engine and vehicle dynamics. The EVC Easy Writer software allows tuners the ability to setup and monitor these new advance features of the EVC via a laptop computer.
Boost Pressure Correction Mapping:
- Viewed in 3-Dimensional Graphs and 5x5 Maps, boost pressure can be fine tuned for: RPM, Vehicle Speed, Throttle Position, RPM + Throttle Position, or Speed + Throttle Position
- Map Function ON/OFF (whether to use a boost pressure correction map), choice of which correction map to use.
- Target Boost Setting
- Scramble boost level and duration
Bar Graph display settings & Features:
- A-Mode and B-Mode boost level, Vehicle Speed, RPM and Throttle PositionBar Graph Peak Function ON/OFF and Peak Level
- Boost correction level
- Offset value
- Offset map setting value input
- Measure of Unit (kPA or PSI)
- After-Image Function ON/OFF (If a change from positive atmospheric pressure to negative atmospheric pressure occurs, the peak positive boost value will be displayed)
- Sampling time setting (boost monitoring in a period)
- Boost warning function ON/OFF and warning level
- Drop boost function ON/OFF and drop level (when boost reaches the warning value, boost pressure will drop a user preset level)
- Display backlight brightness setting
*This Part Number has been updated, please click here for superceded item.

HKS EVC Easy Writer Software
Sale price$169.26 USD