Aero Function

All Aero Function products are handmade in their own factories with specially trained employees who continue to produce high-quality parts that meet the demands of their customers. Aero Function is known for their world-renowned fibreglass products such as the famous 2011-2016 BMW 5 Series F10 4DR AF-2 Front Bumper Cover. BMW 5 Series Front Bumper Cover. This is a strong, lightweight and robust material made of milled and cross-woven fibres. Through this proprietary process this material results in excellent flexibility and durability. Their Glass Fibre Komposite (GFK) products come standard with a double-layered signature grey primer to ensure the preparation process is minimized while providing a superior finish when completed.

Aero Function has been engineering and manufacturing carbon fibre plastics and glass

fibre composites for over 10 years within the automotive, commercial and retail markets. Their extensive experience and expertise in high-performance composite production allow us to produce parts in-house without sacrificing quality, fitment or value.

Aero Function premium handmade GFK (Glass Fibre Komposite), CFP (Carbon Fibre Plastic), and Purr Rim (Polyurethane Plastic) products are founded from the roots of motorsports to not only further enhance the appearance of your vehicle but to also improve functionality and performance. We have over ten years of experience in the engineering and manufacturing of aerodynamic components for high-end luxury vehicles throughout the world. This provides us with incredible leverage to provide our customers with high-quality products and tremendous value.


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